Saturday, November 9th

Festival of Trees Gala and Auction 6:30

Enjoy an evening celebrating the tiny NICU miracles that are the reason behind Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with Heavy Hor’Deuvers by Texarkana College Culinary, a Cash Bar, and entertainment by TJ McAlexander.

All trees and decor will be auctioned live starting at 7:30p.

Click Here for Tickets
Please note, it can take up to 60 minutes for your tickets to come through to your email. If you don’t receive your tickets within 24 hours, please contact

Wednesday – Saturday  9am-7pm

Tree Viewing and Elf Hunt

View our Beautiful, Professionally Decorated Trees and Participate in our Elf Hunt – No Ticket Required

The Tiny, Little Christmas Shoppe

Ornaments, stocking stuffers, and more to help with your holiday shopping.

Season’s Eatings

Quick culinary dishes for the holiday season made by the Texas HS, Atlanta HS, and Liberty-Eylau HS culinary departments.


Limited Space Available – Buy your tickets Now

It can take up to 60 minutes for your tickets to come through to your email. If you don’t receive your tickets within 24 hours, please contact