Winnie Mae and Ellie Kay
Winnie Mae and Ellie Kay were born on August 15, 2023, both at 11:04 PM. Due to circumstances beyond our control, Ellie Kay was called home to be with Jesus. She was a four-pound four-ounce blessing. Winnie was born at four pounds and almost two months early. She was rushed to NICU within minutes of delivery and had to be stabilized. Because of Dr. Wilson’s urgency, we can have one of our tiny miracle babies here with us today. When he visited us the next morning to check in, his words will always resonate with us, “Congratulations and condolences.”
We connected with Fearfully and Wonderfully Made during our stay at the hospital. When Catie met with us to give us our blessing bag filled with goodies and pray, she asked us how we were doing. I responded, “How are you supposed to be happy and grieve at the same time?” We just held each other and cried and I’ll never forget the compassion she showed us during that moment. Winnie’s kidneys declined while we were in the hospital, and she had to be airlifted to Dallas, where she would undergo dialysis treatment. Catie found out and met us with breakfast and gas cards for our trip. Her love for our tiny little fighter will always be cherished. After spending a month in Dallas, Winnie traveled five hours by ambulance to Arkansas Children’s Hospital, where she would be for the remainder of her NICU journey. Throughout the 82 days that Winnie spent in three different hospitals, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made was there with prayers and financial support.
Through Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, we have also connected with their sister organization, Remember Me With Joy. This program has allowed us to connect with other families who have experienced loss and grief, all while we remember Ellie. They were there for us on the day we came home from the hospital to two empty cribs-something a parent should never have to experience.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and Remember Me With Joy have been such a blessing to our family this past year. We will forever be thankful for their love, prayers, and support.